Hi Everyone! New here from Jax
I just attended the new patient orientation for the Novus program that Dr. Webb uses. The staff there seem very nice and positive and I'm excited about working with them.
If you do not already, you need to get a PCP and get them on board. Novus requires that you have a PCP who supports your decision. If you're not sure you have any co-morbidities, your PCP will check into all that for you. It will definitely help you get approved for the surgery to have them. All the paperwork that I've seen mentions an Aetna comprehensive 3-month plan. I don't know if it will be a requirement for your plan or not--but just wanted to give you a heads up.
Also, the Novus program has a $1500 minimum program fee that might not be covered by your insurance plan. So plan on paying that in addition to the 20% and various co-pays for doctor's visits.
I'm excited to finally get the process going after 6 years of saving up for self-pay and then getting a job with insurance that covers it!