sorry I missed Brevard County meeting :-(
We talked about how to monitor portion size. Some of us use measuring cups, some weigh, some visualize a tennis ball size. We also talked about keeping track of your protein, carb, and water intake. Some journal daily, one has a dry erase board. We talked about what are some of the things we can do now since surgery, and what are some things we look forward to. We also shared WOW moments. One member who is fairly new out, is actually running now, another was able to walk all over without being out of breath, another was excited about being able to shop in stores she never could preop. All talked about how much better we feel and how much more energy we had. It was a shorter meeting, I think Caren was excited about seeing her husband! We had 6 people come this time. It was discussed havin regular meetings on Wednesday nights for now on. More will be decided when Caren gets back. Some Drs. were interested in this idea. Some samples were brought for all to share, such as Bariatric Advantage calcium, multivitmins, and some protein powders. We will meet again some time in December.