Sclerotherapy Procedure
I would very much love to hear from anyone who has had this procedure done.I had my original open RNY surgery in 2002.Since then ,due to my progresive laxness and family changes and stresses,I have gained back some weight.It was so..oo.. concerning and disgusting me that I found myself either eating or hungry all the time.I know how food has al been my drug of choice under stess and those old habits scare me to death!! I have had three appointments with a bariatric speciaist here in Ocala FL. and am now scheduled to have scierotherapy in a few weeks.The Dr. says ,after looking at a recent upper GI,my pouch has stretched but feels our first line of action should be sclerotherapy.A revision would mean reopening the original incision and basically starting over.I would just like to hear if this procedure has been sucessful for others. Thank you!!!
Good luck.
My RNY was fully covered except for $500 and the Stomaphyx...not sure yet cause I have a different job and insurance..but I'm about to find out sooon.....LOL I'm at [email protected] if you have any further questions.