need help
i am a little embarresed to say this is my first time on this web site and a friend of mine said it was a great place to meet people and get good advice i am 3.5 years post op and i weighed in at 340 lbs i had gotten down to a very skinny 195 lbs too skinny for me or so i thought i have been struggling with my weight now for the past 2 years and now i am back up to 260lbs as you all know i am terrified and embarresed so i was looking for some help and encouragement any thought would be appreciated your south florida friend eric
Hey Eric, where are you in Florida?
All I can say buddy is get back on the wagon. Best thing to do is probably get back to the basics, lots of protein, lots of water, exercise and supplements. I have basically followed the Atkins diet since I went on solids post op. I am 2.5 years out and its worked great for me. I work out 4 to 5 times a week and keep pretty active. I take all my required supplements every day religiously. This program has worked for me, and if I have to live this way the rest of my life I'll take it given the alternative.
I know this is all easier said then done. You've got to get your self back on the right mindset. Do you attend support group meetings? I dont have to tell you that this whole deal is just as much an emotional ride as it is a physical one. I know of a few good groups if your interested. Let me know.
Best of luck to you. You can do it. Please keep in touch and feel free to PM me if you wish. This site is a great place to get advice, make friends, and their are plenty of shoulders here to lean and/or cry on. Always glad to make a new friend. Be well.
All I can say buddy is get back on the wagon. Best thing to do is probably get back to the basics, lots of protein, lots of water, exercise and supplements. I have basically followed the Atkins diet since I went on solids post op. I am 2.5 years out and its worked great for me. I work out 4 to 5 times a week and keep pretty active. I take all my required supplements every day religiously. This program has worked for me, and if I have to live this way the rest of my life I'll take it given the alternative.
I know this is all easier said then done. You've got to get your self back on the right mindset. Do you attend support group meetings? I dont have to tell you that this whole deal is just as much an emotional ride as it is a physical one. I know of a few good groups if your interested. Let me know.
Best of luck to you. You can do it. Please keep in touch and feel free to PM me if you wish. This site is a great place to get advice, make friends, and their are plenty of shoulders here to lean and/or cry on. Always glad to make a new friend. Be well.