it's going to happen
I had a scare this week. To qualify for the surgery, the nDr wanted a pre-op stress test to clear me to have surgery...I was able to do this on tuesday...The Dr immed spokenwith me and wanted me to schedule a cath asap. SO I have it yesterday, (THURSDAY)// There are some narrowing, but not enough to worry. In fact the surgrery to lose weight would be good as I can excersise mr. So todayI called the surgeon DR oVERCASH TO schedule a date...Hopefully should be in the nextr few weeks...Will keep all posted as to progress....I have a long hard road, but very excited. thanks Bonnie
Congratulations o your surgery date, hope all goes well!!!! I met with DR.OVERCASH!!!!!! Seeking a revision and he totally humiliated me in front of my 10 year old daughter. I must have gotten the side of him no one has seen. I cried all the way home to Orlando,FL because of the way he treated me. Good luck on your journey and keep us posted!!!!!