Are You Having Issues With Your LapBand Leaking
Please post your issue if your having any to this thread...,messageboard/action,replies/board_id,4805/cat_id,4405/topic_id,3705281/,messageboard/action,replies/board_id,4805/cat_id,4405/topic_id,3705281/
I have had the lap band twice now, The first time in Aug 2006 , I ended up with a hematoma that would not heal, so I had it again in Jan 2007. It is now that i found out my tubing is literally broken in half. I have to do a third surgery in the next week or so and am so upset as to which one. My weight is back to where I started and it costs me more stress and money each time. I don't know to switch to RNY or just take it out and forget about it. I wish you luck.