Looking for Clearwater/Safety Harbor Support Group
I'm looking for support groups in the Clearwater/Safety Harbor area. Could travel North or South if necessary. Most groups only meet once a month, but I'd like a group that meets more often, or a bunch of groups that meet on different days so I can rotate. Once a month is not really effective in my opinion. Specifically, I would like a Lap-Band group and would like to find a group that is not just lecture, but also Q and A and participatory. Can anyone help?

Hi Barbara ~
Check out Drs. Gordon & Gonzalvo's support groups. They're held in the evenings during the week - not sure of the schedule as it is quite a drive for me (downtown Clearwater at Morton Plant) but the facilitator posts regularly here, and does give advance announcements prior to the meetings. GREAT group!
~ Terri
~ Terri - Come on and CRUISE TO LOSE with us!
Hi Barbara - we have meetings twice a month. First one is on the 2nd Saturday at Morton Plant hospital at 10:00 am - 11:30/12:00. It is a mixed group w/info and Q&A. There is also another meeting usually on the 2nd Thursday in the evening. The group leader always posts in advance and gives details of complete directions to hospital. This group follows the doctors orientation. Hope to see you at the meetings.
God Bless/June