lap band questions
Well... I had the band (getting a revision to RNY). My band was never "right", but it worked well at first and then things went downhill (not typical for people).
Week 1: clear liquids only
Week 2: full liquids
Week 3: Pureed/mushy foods
Week 4: Soft solids
Week 5: Solids
Week 6: first fill if needed.
My band was screwy from the start... so I got fills every 2-3 weeks in tiny amounts because I couldn't tolerate an "aggressive fill". You cannot eat and drink together. My surgeon says you can drink up to 5 minutes before a meal and then you must wait one hour after finishing your meal to drink. You have to chew very well and eat slowly. I could always eat breads, pasta, rice, meat.. but in tiny amounts. Salad was easy, but cucumber and carrots were not acceptable for my band. Once you reach the 6 month mark, it will always be the same (barring any problems). When you get a fill (you might need a few in the first year... but not nearly as many as me). My surgeon always has you do clears the day of, fulls the next, etc. He wants you to slowly progress up to solids. I couldn't eat solids for a week post-fill due to swelling issues.
Now, I am over 3 years out but started having problems just before my 2 year mark. It took a long time to diagnose a slipped band and hiatal hernia... then on top of that severe acid reflux and now bile reflux. I can't handle those things and the repair is painful (band is vertical now... not in the normal 2 o'clock position). So, I am getting a revision. I was terrified of RNY, but honestly I am no longer as scared as I was before. I am very cautious and careful with vitamins and doctor visits and I know that is what I need to do to prevent deficiencies. I also have a very healthy diet... just too big of portions due to hunger. (BTW, the band did wonders for my hunger at the 2 o'clock position, but NOT at the vertical position for some reason...). While I hate my band ("my evil band"), I don't band bash and I think that there are very successful and long term bandsters. Just do your research and check out the band board!
~AlyssaBand to Bypass (Band May 2005 --RNY July 2008)
"Try not. Do, or do not. There is no try." ~Yoda
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Evolution of Dance :)
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