Support meeting in Jupiter
Hello South Florida bandsters I found another support meeting that can be closer for us. It is at Jupiter Medical Center
1004 N. Dixie hwy in Jupiter the meetings are at 7:15pm every 2nd Monday here is the website:
Hope to see ya at a meeting!!
Hi Vickie!
Thanks for the information!! I may see you up there sometime. Won't be at JFK this month. Going on a cruise with my DH and DD for a week!!! YEH!! Have been having some difficulty with the band. Have an appointment with Dr. Larson next Monday. Will probably get unfilled at least a bit.
Take care!!
Wow that is great to know. Thanks for the info. I hope even though Dr. Bass in Hollywood will be doing my surgery that I would be able to attend either the JFK or the Jupiter support groups or maybe both of them. Oh by the way when does the group at JFK meet. That hospital is around the corner from me, but they aren't a Center of Excellence so I had to go down South. I have bookmarked the site so I know where to go when the time comes.

Amanda Surgery was 1/26/2016 Surgery Weight 314 Highest Weight 497
lost 183 pounds before surgery
Well I attended the support meeting last Monday at upiter. Allwent well till I spoke to them the next day. Being I am not a patient of DR. Vaughns I can not attend the meetings. Now for JFK I do not know their rules but they meet every 3rd Monday at 6:30 I would call them and see if you can attend. I just don't understand about Jupiter they wanted to charge me to go. I was so furious!!