Surgery out of the state?
I have not, now do I know of anyone that has.
There is an unwritten "rule" among surgeons:
You cut it, YOU own it.
Most surgeons have enough work to do with their own patients, much less trying to figure out what was done and how it was done on a patient that is not their own. Many are very reluctant to take on such patients.
There is a reason for having a local surgeon do your surgery. What if there is a complication a few months down the road? Will you have time to drive or fly to your surgeon's office? If not, you will be at the mercy of the local hospital.
As I said in the first sentence of my post---"I have not, now(nor) do I know of anyone that has."
Gave you your answer right there.
Can I ask? "Why are you having surgery in Mich. when you live in FL?
There are MANY competent and superb surgeons in the bariatric field here. Some of them are known nationwide for their long term work and research in the field.
Yes, the fact that you do not know of anyone is why I said your asnwer was not helpful. I am having surgery out of state (in michigan) becuase the cost difference is HUGE. And there are quite compentatn surgeons there, one of which I am going to.
It has nothing to do with the competancy in this state its a matter of over priced surgeries so the docs can pay for their BMWs

LOL I know that my surgeon doesn't drive a BMW, -nor do his partners. He actually drives an older model Lexus.... he's putting kids thru college.
BUT I do know that FLA has one of the highest priced malpractice insurance rates----it's the states seriously flawed TORT laws.
Good Luck in your endeavors.