OT: New Job!
Thursday was my last day as an employee of US Bariatric - Orlando. Suffice it to say that making the decision to leave was heart wrenching, but I am hopeful for was the future holds with my new employer. It just feels strange, as for the last 2.5 years my life was USB. Sad, huh? But on the bright side, this means that I'll finally be free for support group!
I start my new position tomorrow - wish me luck!
I start my new position tomorrow - wish me luck!
Lap RNY 10-25-04
310/135/@ Goal!
Lap RNY 10-25-04
310/135/@ Goal!
I wish you much success with your new job. I also would like to take this opportunity to say thank you for all the helpful information you have provided on this site and for information about Medicaid.
Thank you
p.s I will call US Bariatrics in the morning and see if i can get all the information i need to get all this process starting.
Good Luck/ thanks once again
Thanks much to everyone who posted and/or emailed me their good wishes. To answer everyone at once, I am now at Ideal Image (laser hair removal) in Orlando/Waterford Lakes. My first day was wonderful and I feel that it is a good fit. Although I do miss "my" patients. A lot.
Lap RNY 10-25-04
310/135/@ Goal!
Lap RNY 10-25-04
310/135/@ Goal!
HI Kristen..haven't been much on here..cause after a while cause life moves u on to better things or different things.... I started a new job not long ago and it was both nice and weird at the same time because the people in your former job may know your whole history and relate while the new people know nothing of your struggles with weight etc...so it's both rewarding and new or nerve wrecking..it's all good in the end..Best of luck and hopefully you will still be here to give advice with the newbies just not as an employee of USB.
Ruth S.
Hi Kristen!! LOL..no I live, work and play in Orlando (Oak ridge Rd to be precise) but for a LONG time I was going up to Ocala so much I felt I should have relocated..LOL... and of course plugging Overcash (not that I still don't) but Im not as involved as I was before. It will be strange for you for a while but eventually things will fall into place and you won't think nothing of it.
Best of luck..
Ruth S.
I'm sad to hear you aren't at USB anymore, but I'm so happy I can see and get to talk to you at support groups.
I want to thank you for everything you did in helping me with my journey (that's still going). You've been an inspiration to me and I know I was so much more comfortable with this decision because you were helping guide me through it.
On a different note about your new job: that's right down the road from me! Who knows, I might stop in one day and say hi!
See you soon!

Ronda RT
Hi Ronda,
YES!! Please do stop by! That would be fun. Wednesdays are my early day, so I'll be able to attend support group (as a patient!) and see you there. My being gone really hit me hard last week when I received an email from a patient that missed me (she is legally blind, so she cannot go to support group as her ride doesn't drive at night.) I choked up when I realized that a nearly three year part of my life is over, done, closed. It is hard. But I am happy that I will still get to see you and others like you in this wonderful journey of ours!
YES!! Please do stop by! That would be fun. Wednesdays are my early day, so I'll be able to attend support group (as a patient!) and see you there. My being gone really hit me hard last week when I received an email from a patient that missed me (she is legally blind, so she cannot go to support group as her ride doesn't drive at night.) I choked up when I realized that a nearly three year part of my life is over, done, closed. It is hard. But I am happy that I will still get to see you and others like you in this wonderful journey of ours!
Lap RNY 10-25-04
310/135/@ Goal!
Lap RNY 10-25-04
310/135/@ Goal!