Cooking Class
Thought I'd share a story with you. I thought today was the bariatric cooking class at Celebration with Dr. Kim. I drive down there and see some people seated in the lobby. Some look overweight but not real heavy. I was leaning against the wall because my back was killing me. The time for the class to start is soon but this woman next to me offers me a seat and says "Sit down, your back must be killing you. Being pregnant has also done its toll on me". I wanted to die of embarrasement. First because I thought these people that were there were for the bariatric cooking class, and second because they also thought I was pregnant. I will regroup and try again tomorrow, which is the day that the class was scheduled for!

I am home from the class. I think it went great. Any time you can get advice on different foods is totally worth it. They made poached eggs with hollandase(spelling) sauce. I am not a big fan of eggs but it looked good. There were alot more people there this time than last time. Last time I think we had 15 people, tonight I think there were 50ish. I have to say that once again I was disappointed that they did not do more to keep people from coming in and out of the dining area. I know they posted signs to tell people to not come in and interupt, but they need to do something better. For someone like me that has a short attention span as it is, all I could do was look at the door everytime someone tried to come in. Maybe they will find a solution before the next one. Anyone want any breakfast recipes just email me.