Getting paperwork in order
Hi all. I have been a "lurker" for months now, but finally getting to the point of action. I knew I wouldn't be able to have surgery until the end of March, because of FMLA at work, so I attended support meetings, went to monthly Dr. appts., had my psych consult, went to the seminar the bariatric program presented and filled out the programs' paperwork and have a letter of necessity from my PCP.
Got a call from the program co-ordinator today that the surgeon's office needs 5 years of documentation and a letter of necessity. Well, I freaked!!!!! I feel better now though, because I talked to the girl at my surgeon's office and I told her I have my letter of necessity and she said all they need from the past 5 years is some documentation of my weight, which is not a problem since even if you go in for a hang nail, they weigh you. I should be able to get all that to her with-in a week, and she said she could schedule my appointment with him then and submit the paperwork to the insurance company.
I hope it goes smoothly, but guess I have to be prepared for a few speed bumps from the sound of some posts.