Florida School system
I believe it's somewhere around $7-8 thousand. We offer lots of different varsity sports, and have started a gifted program as well as a transitional services program (like a Special Education program). We also offer AP classes, and students that are junior or higher with certain GPA's can take college courses at the community college that is across the street from our campus. Last year we had a senior that graduated with 30 credit hours for college already.
If you wanted, I could send you a package of info. or you can check out the schools website http://www.orlandolutheranacademy.org.
My faculty picture is TERRIBLE...I took a retake but they put the wrong one on!!!

Ronda RT
Well you earn no points coming here and trashing our school systems. Florida schools are no worse than those anywhere else.
I am a native Floridian. And it gets a little tiresome of people who do not even live here running down my home. It is like the people who complain at Christmas because it is not cold and it there is no snow.
(deactivated member)
on 3/20/08 10:14 pm
on 3/20/08 10:14 pm
I meant no disrespect toward Florida schools. As I stated in my original post "some" people said that the schools were lacking, these people living in NY. That is why I was not willing to take their word for it and came to a forum where people would know better.
I did not mean to run down Florida, as I stated before I love Florida and want to live there.
As far as not being cold at Christmas that is the best thing about leaving NY, not being cold!
I grew up on the East coast in Jensen Beach......I loved it, loved my school..had alot of classes that I haven't heard offered anywhere else......we are living in the Tampa area now, my husband is in the military....so I am a native back in town. I have lived all over the state (from Miami to tha panhandle), so if you want any info just let me know. Send me a message.
Good luck and take care~
Hi there,
I am a native Floridian and have lived here all of my life. I personally love the west Orlando area and have a niece in the Orange County School System. Although the F-CAT (standardized testing) system apperas flawed and has gotten a lot of bad press, there are some good points. All Florida schools are graded based on these test scores - A through F. Whether it is right or wrong, this is the reality and it makes for a constant to make your school comparisons from. You may want to check out he school scores in the area you are looking move, all realtors know their local school scores. As far as location, I am partial to Central Florida and I agreee that Brevard county is very nice. It would be my #2 pick after Orange and Lake counties. I will probably get fussed at for saying this but, I would never move to the Miami/Dade area. Good luck and welcome.