Florida School system
(deactivated member)
on 3/17/08 10:13 pm
on 3/17/08 10:13 pm
Hi everyone, I love Florida! I want to move there in 4 years when my husband retires and my daughter starts high school, but I have heard from some people that the schools system is lacking. Now I have only been to Orlando and Miami and I fell in love. I was wondering if anyone had an opinion on where to start looking for our next home. We will be in our 40s, and I would want a nice school for my daughter to go to high school in. I am just wondering if there is a particular place I should start looking and a place I shouldnt be looking. (I am going to try to buy a house now, while the market is so low) Thank you for any advice you could give me.
I live in Brevard County. Which is one of the best school system in Florida. We have a new high school in Viera Florida which offers pre-engineering and denistry classes. WE are on the east coast which is also called the Space coast due to Nasa being here. An hour away from Orlando and all the fun spots. And 15 minutes from the beach. But still buy a house with a pool. That was our big mistake moving from Missouri.
Besides the F-Cat system in Florida which I don't approve of I have been ahppy with the public schools here.
Happy looking!

(deactivated member)
on 3/18/08 10:25 pm
on 3/18/08 10:25 pm
Thanks for your reply, I have nevef heard of Brevard County but it will be on my list of places to look. I just love the warm weather and I am so sick of NY! I have a pool in Ny I would definitely want one in Fla, as my daughter is a competitve swimmer. I dont know what the F-Cat system is, is that a testing system?
(deactivated member)
on 3/18/08 10:27 pm
on 3/18/08 10:27 pm
I have moved recently so I know all about the greener grass warnings! If I cannot find a suitable public school I will send her to private, she will be my only one so if I HAVE to I can swing it, and I still think it would be worth it not to freeze my butt off everyday.
Living in Miami Rocks but not all the public schools are the best. However, there are some very good ones too. Check this page out www.dadeschools.net. Good Luck!!!!!
I grew up in Haines City which is 20 miles or so south of Orlando. I hear that its getting pretty bad crime wise in that area. The school wasnt that bad when I went there but that was 10 years ago. I dont think there are that many really good places anymore! Its sad but Im sure if you dig into it enough you will find the right fit! Good Luck!
(deactivated member)
on 3/19/08 6:21 am
on 3/19/08 6:21 am
THanks, I know it sounds weird but the first time I stepped off the plane into Florida I felt like that is where I belonged. I will continue to research and find a place where I can afford without eating cat food. The house I live in now is great but we could not afford to keep it after my husband retires unless we both worked full time plus his pension.