RNY on 02/28/12
Hey Steph...okay so heres how everything went for me...i went to Sosa's seminar on Jan.7 at jackson North Hospital in north miami but he also does the big seminars at palmetto hospital..i knew that i was gonna have to get a psych eval and see the nutritionist at his office so i did those 2 appointments before i even went in to see the doc...when i went to schedule my appt w sosa the nurse mentioned that for medicaid theres a waiting list of about 3months if u want sosa but he has a partner dr.nuwayhid which i think is THE BOOOMB (he did my endoscopy). plus they assist eachother in the surgeries rny is 2/28 tuesday coming up..aslong as u have share of cost medicaid and its open when u see the doc youre has to be open when u see him and its gotta b open for surgery..good luck..let me know if u got anymore here for ya
RNY on 03/20/12
Dr Kim - Celebration, FL (outskirts of Orlando) has full program that accepts Medicare and medicaid (as secondary only). Here is their website which has all kinds of info on it. Need any more info.. feel free to mail me. He is an AWESOME Dr and has a well oiled machine in the running of his program. All the staff members are extra sweet and him and his staff actually CARE about ALL their patients.
As soon as you attend the seminar, they will call you in about a week to set up appointments to see a psychologist and do an evaluation and to see a nutritionist.
If they don't call you, call them so they can set up these appointments.
With the psych you can choose your own psych or choose Dr. Sosa's psych but you would have to pay out of pocket because he doesn't accept insurances ($150) and the nutritionist is $140.
Once you complete seeing both of them than you will be scheduled for a consultation with Dr. Sosa and the coordinator.
She schedules the surgery date that same day and you will have to take a H. Pylori Test at your local lab quest.
Once you pass that test (get a negative result) she will call you to come in and sign papers and she will give you a medical clearance form that you have to complete 5-7 days prior to the surgery date.
This whole process took me to complete within 1 month so it all depends on how quick you get all of this done.

If they don't call you, call them so they can set up these appointments.

With the psych you can choose your own psych or choose Dr. Sosa's psych but you would have to pay out of pocket because he doesn't accept insurances ($150) and the nutritionist is $140.

Once you complete seeing both of them than you will be scheduled for a consultation with Dr. Sosa and the coordinator.

She schedules the surgery date that same day and you will have to take a H. Pylori Test at your local lab quest.

Once you pass that test (get a negative result) she will call you to come in and sign papers and she will give you a medical clearance form that you have to complete 5-7 days prior to the surgery date.

This whole process took me to complete within 1 month so it all depends on how quick you get all of this done.