Then you would be a perfect patient advocate, lol.
The guy that did my pulmonary function had no problem with my ABG and I was impressed that he gave me a shot to numb the area first. He was tall and really funny jumping up and down.
Sometimes it feels like a 3rd world country going the very least, Americans are a minority!!
Will you please think about the patient advocate thing?
Hi Stacey,
I heard their program is very good. Actually, I used to be a pationt there....Immunologist, Cardio, Vascular, Neurology, etc.....everything but wls. I was admitted into the hospital once and was really impressed. There was also a hotel I stayed at that provided transportation to and from Cleveland Clinic and their rates were reasonable.
But, I live all the way down in Key West and it is a shorter ride to UM.
What was pre op protocol like at Cleveland Clinic?
I have Medicaid, and I will be going to Dr. Wizman of Margate - His Hospital and practice is a center of excellence.