Dr Overcash anyone????
My surgeon is Dr Overcash. I chose him after looking at his stats, surgery history, and some other factors. I've already had my consult with him and am now at the stage of gathering some documents together for his office to submit to Tricare.
I was just curious of what your experience was like with his office because I have come to the conclusion that the surgeon's office is a big part of whether or not you get approved......
He had a whole list of things...lab work, letters from my family, letter from my PCM, psych consult, cardiac stress test (cause I'm over 40), medical record from 5 years ago showing my weight then, list of diets with proof and results (I had been on Jenny Craig in the recent year and had that contract).,,, Once I got all that turned in they submitted the package and that was it.
My husband had surgery with Dr. O in Oct. '02. We had BCBS HMO at that time and he was one of the few surgeons they would allow. I had surgery with him in 06/06. Our insurance had changed by then, and although I checked out surgeons here in Jacksonville, I decided that I like Dr. Overcash better. My sister had surgery with him in March. We all had different insurances, which each had it's own criteria, but the office staff was great at making sure they had everything that our particular insurance required. You've picked a great surgeon!