Sometimes if your insurance will pay for hernia repair or tummy tuck -- the arms can be done at the same time with you only having to pay the additional surgeon fee. The trick here is to document medical necessity particularly for the tummy tuck. If you get rashes or have back pain and such, see your PCP and get those things noted in your records.
I have two discolored spots on the inside of my arms just above the elbows. I did not have these spots prior to surgery. I asked the hemotologist about them and he said it could be a circulation problem. So I am going to fully explore that. If a plastic surgeon says the same thing -- then at least I have a basis to ask for my arms to be done with insurance covering the cost. If that does not work -- I will approach the VA. I believe there is a plastic surgery department at the VA hospital in Tampa so I will see if I can get a referral. Yes all of this is a real long shot in regards to get my arms done, but I want to explore every possibility since self pay is out of the question.