Vita4Life protein liquid
Here is the link the group asked for about Vita4Life protein liquid during the Orlando support group meeting last week - thank you Rita!:
Hi Mike,
So you run your own support group now? I am intertested in doing that myself up here. Do you run it in your home or at another site? My hubby had an interview with Colier County the end of April. I am so excited. I don't want to get my hopes up yet.
You do a great job here on this forum, I am sure you run an excellent support group also.
Hi Monica,
I hope you and your baby are doing fine. I'm going to physical therapy for my left foot and the receptionist told me that she sells Vita4life. I called her today and ask her if she can get me a sample of the liquid protein. She said yes I can. So as soon as I try this product I'll let you and all our friends here in this forum how it taste hahaha.
Have nice day,