i love my new life!
hey everyone... i just wanted everyone to know... how much i love my new life... today... i washed and waxed TWO trucks..... raked all the leaves in the grass AND layed SIX bags of mulch all by my self!!!!! and i still have energy to do two loads of laundry and make dinner! i love my new life!!!
I'm doing well..
..just going outta my mind this week, kids are on Spring Break & hubby has been out of work a month due to a complication to his hernia surgery, he went back yesterday & had he supposed "last appt" today & they told him he was still infected & is gonna be out of work another week now. So now on top of 3 kids, 2 dogs & a cat at home I have him too.
Yes I'm going to the event, I was thinking about getting a room & letting my family enjoy the pool while I'm doing the conference. I donno whay my hubby will say, but it would be fun to make a nice weekend getaway. I wanted to get a room at doubletree, because my little ones would love to stay in a "castle" but the prices at the Best Western are looking much better.
.. So have you ever been to one of these??? What do ya do??? Is it like the womans show & there are alot of vendors that give free stuff & info & then speakers?
Yes I guess I am okay....,I just got through 3 weeks (2 x week- 7 treatments) of intense Iron IV Infusions again...seems to be needed every 3 to 4 months now. Went to see hemotogist yesterday and my hemoglubin was down, I am very tired getting plenty of sleep but feel exhausted and that is usually what happens to me when ferritin is up. Go figure, I am so complicated!! I won't get the ferritin result til Tues, they have to send that one out but he did tell me to rest this week and asked if I had back pain, well he must have heard something because last night my chostocondritis (breastbone) was in severe pain. Lucky for me I know this is chostocondritis as it landed me in ER in 2001 thinking I was having a heart attack so he was right on the money when he told me to rest. 20 01 when I went to ER that pain that brought me in saved my life, my hemo count was 4 and I was admitted for blood tranfusions, shortly after the transfusions I gained the weight, went in there at 128 and my surgery date I was 213. Yesterday I had just came from the dentist office where she informed me I needed two root canals ASAP, a new bridge which is only 2 yrs old due to the needed root canal or extraction and I was so stressed out thinking about the money. It must have shown in my face by the time I got to my hemotologist appt...but other than that I am great LOL!!!
Then I get home and get a message I have to drive to Tampa on the 28th, my ins. co wants more pics in ref; to thigh lift and belly button revision and a little egg on my hip under incision from tummy tuck...so I am looking at many dr appt and I am tired of it. I just want to get in my car and drive to Pa and and spend time with my family who I haven't seen in 10 yrs. I keep delaying my visits and no one is aware I ever gained a pound and had this surgery never mind plastics so I will have to postpone again until I feel up to a month long visit.
So girl how is the dating seen going for you? Are you going to the Orlando? I am thinking about it of I can fit it in between my appts and hubby's appts?
Glad you're loving life!! If you run out of thing to do how about coming to Tally-town and helping me?? I've got a bum knee & torn rotator cuff so I'm pretty much restricted from doing anything. I've decided to have surgery on both at the same time, even though it will put in a wheelchair for a few weeks, since I won't be able to use crutches b/c of the shoulder.
I want to come to the OH Conference in Orlando but don't know if I'll be recovered enough to attend. I guess I'll have a better idea after tomorrow when I schedule the surgery. The surgeon has told me recover for the arm takes 12 weeks but I won't be totally incapacitated the entire time so I hope I'll be able to go. Are you going?
Enjoy these lovely Spring days and your new-found energy!
Vickie J.