Bun in the Oven!
I almost forgot to let my OH family know!!... As some of you know, and many of you don't, my boyfriend, Chris and I are expecting our first little one in August. I am about 18 weeks along now and went for my first ultrasound last Monday. He (or she) wouldn't cooperate when it came time to determine the sex, but both arms and legs are there, along with ten fingers and toes so so far we are in great shape. I am considered high-risk for a few different reasons (one being the gastric bypass) and have already had one big scare earlier in the pregnancy. We are praying for the best, and hoping that little Baby Jones comes out happy and healthy this summer. I will be sure to keep everyone posted, but wanted to share the good news with everyone now since my ever-growing belly has become more obvious as the weeks go on...