Tricare and PS in FL
I have read posts from many people on the main board who spoke about Tricare covering things like panniculectomy, TT and breast reductions. In each case however, there had to be medical reasons why the "reconstructive" surgery was performed; chronic rashes, back pain, etc.
You may want to post this on the main board and see what kind of response you get.
The Tricare policy dated August 2006 on plastic surgery states:
***B. Benefits are authorized for other surgeries when the surgery is determined to be a medically necessary procedure, integral to the restoration of an individual function (e.g., panniculectomy following a gastroplasty or a gastric bypass procedure).
***C. Benefits are limited to those cosmetic, reconstructive, and/or plastic surgery
procedures performed no later than December 31 of the year following the year in which the related accidental injury or surgical trauma occurred, except for authorized postmastectomy reconstructive breast surgery for which there is no time limitation between mastectomy and reconstruction. Also, special consideration will be given to cases involving children who may require a growth period.
I found the policy at using the search term panniculectomy at
So start documenting everything.