Hey there Florida!
Hi everyone! I'm a bandster in Maryland and my hubby and I are considering moving to Florida. Does anyone have a recommendation or warning about moving to Florida or suggestions as to where? I know I don't want to be in Southern Florida. I have family in Gainesville and friends in Palm Coast, but have never been there myself. My concerns are good schools and good jobs. My hubby is an electrician and I'm in accounting. Any advice or help is appreciated!
Try to get your jobs lined up before you make the move. Many people come to Florida and then get a job then are horribly disappointed in the wages. And some find the cost of living is comparable to where they came from. You can look at houses and apartments on-line to get an idea of housing costs.
You probably really need to come down and look over the area. Gainesville is very definitely a college town and all that this implies. Younger population, lower wages, transient population. Not much information on Palm Coast, but since someone mentioned Ocala and that's where I live, I can tell you that it's a much older population with lots of horse farms. Not sure how the electrical industry is doing here. Again, you will have to look around.
I gues Florida is where everyone wants to live. I lived there once and lost. I lived in a small town of Perry Florida where jobs were few. Now I am scared to death to make the move. We love Florida but like you need more security. Every job my hudband applies for wants a Florida Driver's licence. Inorder to have a Florida Drivers Licence you have to be a resident. What a hoax. We are working on it.
Great area here around Brooksville, FL. We are close to halfway between Tampa and Ocala/Gainsville. There are some nic schoolls here, also good for jobs, I will not say excellent, not poor or midioker, but good.
The only downfall I've seen is finding a specialist if you only have medcaid for insurance, that is next to impossible. If you have other insurance there is not a problem. I like the west side, the Gulf waters are warmer. We've visited the east side some.
'm originally from PA/NY. I moved down just a year ago.
Wish you Luck in whatever you decide.