today is one week post op
Well, today is exactly one week since my surgery. I am feeling good (tired a lot) and hungry. I feel like I am not getting enough to eat or is it that I am use to eating all the time.
I have been drinking water & crystal light. I have been eating, sf jello, sf popsicles, sf pudding, and broth. It just doesn't seem to cut it.
The doctor said tomorrow I can try runny mash potatoes and go slowly from there.
Has anyone started early on puree because of hunger?
What about after puree, how do you eat?
Any suggestions would be great.
Thank you.
check my profile. I wrote the food plan my doc gave me, and you;ll notice that it does not include sf pudding or potatoes. No starch for 6 months, just complex carbs. He had me drinking 2-3 shakes of protein a day. That filled me up, that and water. I'd encourage you to look at this food plan. I am passionate about the no carb routine. I've seen it work for me and others, and frankly it makes sense. The more protein we eat, the fuller we feel, the more energy we have too. Carbs just don't cut it, and even now I watch carbs, and drink two protein shakes a day.