Well, I called check on my paperwork...yes, I have been denied...I knew this...becaus of the exclusion in my policy...but I am not giving up..I have completing the prelimanary requirements that they required 3 month pcp. psych. and nutrtionist., and also submitted medical records for the past 5 years ...1 for every year indicatiing weight and date......I am waiting for the letter in the mail...the representative at Aetna..would not tell me why I was denied....Oh well...they think I am giving up easily....they don't know me yet...I am working on my appeal letter today...any imputs that anyone may help are grateful...thank you all for your support and prayers...xoxoxo
I am sooooo sorry to hear that u were denied, and although I don't have any input for you as I was a self pay, DON'T GIVE UP!!! Make them aware that if gd forbid u were to have a heart attack from being overweight, they would have to pay for all the treatment involved, so why not pay to prevent that from happening, plus all the other morbilities involved from being overweight. These insurance companies are so ridiculous. GOOD LUCK WITH EVERYTHING.
Don't give up -- the insurance company doesn't want to pay the surgery so they will deny without even looking at your paperwork. I got denied by Cigna after I had complied with every little retarded thing they asked for.
I went to my HR department and explained that I have been preparing for this surgery for over a year. it took forever especially with the diet requirements. My HR called the corporate office and 2 days later I had approval from Cigna.
I had my Lap Band surgery on 11/29/06. Don't give up -- try to work around the person who sent the denial. Remember that you pay for the insurance and your company is the one sets the exclusion -- they can always say pay.