I just wanted to let people that don't know...I am alive. I am finally living and having fun! After Troy left I lost more weight I am now 5'9 and 132, pretty boney too.
School is going great, I am really enjoying it. I have found a new group of friends and go out weekly with them. I posted new pics of how my house is going no my picturetrail account if you wanna check it all out. Sorry I haven't been around, I forget to check the boards, I use to live on these boards but life changes.
It was great to see my old friends at the meet and greet on Saturday and meet some new ones.
Good luck all
Well Tracey it was a pleasure to finally meet you too. And we're glad to hear your not holding back and getting on with your healthier life now. You can & will succeed in everything you set your mind to do. The hard part is over. Now it's your turn to shine!
Keep us updated and remember to visit us here from time to time.
PS I know you need a Property/Bodyguard now for your beautiful house on the water front. Which room is mine? LOL. OH and when is the Christmas Party at your house?