APPROVED!! Praise God with me!
I'm so happy that finally I am approved for LAP RNY. God is so Good! Thanks for all the information on this site that has been an inspiration to me. Everyone participating on this site bring a wealth of knowledge and inspiration that is unmeasurable. Thanks for Obesity Help and you. Yes, it's gonna happen for me! What's next?
Still Praising........
Lena T.
I'm very happy for you. It's the most wonderful feeling when you finally get that approval!!! What's next you ask? EVERYTHING!!! Hang on to your hat cuz it's quite a ride! I will be one year out next Friday, and this has truly been the most amazing year of my life. I still thank God every day for this.
Just follow your surgeon's instructions/orders and you'll do fine. I see a lot of people on here who have had surgery with the surgeon you list in your profile, he must be great. Let us know when you get your date!!!
Much love from Miami, Jeanne