October 9th (Monday) New Meeting Time ~ Open House ~ East Coast Florida
Hey Gang....
Tonights meeting here in Ormond Beach was really GOOD.
We just wrapped it up and wow, what a powerful meeting... Stepping out of your Comfort Zone!
We all learned from each other...An Obese mind is so much in need of someone else to lean on!
I had a great time with each of you... Looking forward to our next group...
If you know of anyone in need of a great little group of heart felt true to life guys and gals.... we are in need of your support
I have been taught to stay around success and you will become Success!
Until I see you, have the best week ever and see you on the 9th of October!!!
Group starts @ 6:15 goes to 7:15!
Meet and greet @ 6:00 PM...