Pre-op testing today
I went for my pre-op testing today for hernia repair and T.T.
Dr. Jawad is going to fix me up. A flat belly and a normal looking belly button. I think I'm finally excited. I've had my date for about 3 weeks now but I just didn't think much about it until today. My 4 hour round trip drive gave me a lot of time to think and put my thoughts together. Taking care of 3 kids by myself I don't even have much time to breathe let a lone think about next week.
So now I have 5 days to get the kids, pets, bills, house, taken care of and in order. I have to keep telling myself not to stress out and I'll do all I can and the rest will have to wait until I recover.
Anyone else have surgery at Ocala Regional Medical Center on Sept. 20th?
I'll be the one all bent over.
Has anyone used Dr. Jawad for a T.T.?
I guess I sorta know what to expect with this procedure from reading the PS board but I wanted to share with you guys.
Take care,