Surgery on Wednesday!
Hey everybody, I am really glad that I discovered this site. All of the great information has really helped me along as I continue to journey toward weight loss success. I'm having surgery on Wednesday, and I'm nervous but incredibly eager to be on the losing side!
Keep me in your prayers! Thanks!
Congratulations on your surgery tomorrow!! I am one week post-op and doing well. Just take everything one day at a time. Get alot of rest today, and try to stay relaxed. I won't say the surgery was easy, but this was the first time I've ever had major surgery, and it was not as bad as I expected. Do everything your doctor and nurses want you to do, even though it may be hard. It is for your own well being, and to reduce the chance of complications. This has been as much as psychological adjustment as it has a physical one so far for me. I expect the psychological adjustment will continue as the physical one heals. Best of wishes to you. May God keep His hand upon you and your surgeon as you undergo this transformation!!