Gas??? Oh my!
Betty, ROFLMAO, It's not the sound you'll need to worry about, LOL.
Just have someone with you and each time, LOL, you let loose,,,,,,,
Out Loud say something, blaming it on your friend or relative.
The problem, which unless I have dairy, doesn't effect me. Is that
the Gases that escape our Butts, are sometimes 10X fold in Smell!!!
Get The Gas Masks Out, Keep them at arms length. And move away
as soon as you, LOL, Let Loose,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,, Far away & Fast. ROFL.
Let us know if the story of Excessive Gas Releases make your Newspaper/TV.
Good Luck.
If this does happen, you might try Devrom, a pill taken as you eat.
It cuts the smell drasticly. LOL. Get it directly from them or on here.
OMG - It's amazing what we all go thru to look and feel this good, but how sad it is for those next to us when we fart away!!! I just quit my job as a preschool teacher working with 3 year olds. It was gr8 being able to "let go" in the classroom as I could always blame a kid, now I have no excuse!!! I would love to know what it is that is causing this embarrassment, sometimes its just uncontrollable, I am so glad I'm not alone in this. Although I may be ALONE soon if this carries on!!! Good luck to everyone with this problem!!
Joanne (the explosive expert!!)