I'm home !!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!
Hi Everyone,
Thanks for all the prayers and well wishes. I got home around 3 O'clock this afternoon. I am trying to keep sipping so i don't get dehydradted and nauseous. They gave me some meds to help with the nausea and so far I am feeling pretty good. I am so glad to be home. Will post more later. I wanted to say a special Thank you to my sister Linda for letting you know I was having problems.
Also a Very Special Thank You to everyone who prayed for my recovery.
Hi Vickie,
Thanks for all the well wishes. I am trying to do everything I am supposed to do. I think why I struggled so much with the nausea, is that as they crushed all my previous meds and put in juices and was so bitter and fowl tasting it was just awful. Finally yesterday morning they said to spread the meds throughout the day and that seems much better.
I think I saw you post that you are going to the OH conference. I hope to see you there. My sisters will be driving, I will probably get tired pretty easily but I really want to go, so I am going to pace myself.
Take Care
I'm glad you're feeling better and look forward to seeing you at the OH Conference. Tap me on the shoulder & introduce yourself!! One of the nicest things about attending last year's OH conference was being able to put faces with names when reading messages posted on the boards.
Take care & see you soon!
Vickie J.