pregnancy after surgery
Hi everyone! Of course, more questions. Besides the obvious health and quality of life issues being the reason for wls, my husband and I would like to have a baby (when its safe). Anyone out there know of anyone having healthy babies after surgery? And how much weight you put back on and how to get it off? Thanks!
WOW...OMG Heather THATS SOOOOO GREAT!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!
I'm sooooooo happy for you, 3 lbs is nothin to loose.
Nothing like the 60 lbs I gained with baby #1, Then the 52lbs I gained with #2 & then there was the 68lbs I gained with #3.
" I HEAR " It's much nicer to enjoy motherhood when you dont have sooo much excess weight afterwards...but I wouldnt know :0)
I hear you should wait at least a year or 2 to be safe before trying to have a baby. It's gonna take you a good year to get to your goal weight.
I am kind of in your shoes. I have had 2 previously and gained 65 lbs with each one of them. It was hard to get the weight off and with the second I never did. I do want to have one more. My surgeon recommend 1 year post op at least. I am now just 3 1/2 months post op so I have a ways to go before I can try. I have know several people that have had successful pregancies with healthy babies post gastric bypass.