Hello all. My surgery date is 08/01 and I'm getting a little nervous. I know w/o a doubt that I am making the right decision, but I am letting this time b/t now and the big day worry me. I've had a few dreams and they've made me feel al little hesitant. I'm not changing my mind or second guessing myself, but I am starting to worry about the whole process. Did anyone else have these feelings? Thanks.
It is so totally normal to be experiencing something like this. I know when I had my first WLS even to the moment that I arrived at the hospital I was still so nervous that I actually almost cancelled my surgery 4 times!! Thanks to my supportive hubby I went through with it. Then when I was having my revision I thought well this time around I shouldn't be so worried, I've done this before but boy was I wrong. I was a wreck but thanks again to darling hubby I made it through it. I think I cried non stop the week before my surgery. Now needless to say that I had 10 prior surgeries before the WLS's and never had that kind of reaction before about having surgery. There was just something about the life changing experience I think that it really hit home. And all of the life style changes that have to be made. But you're definitely not alone in this. Just keep reminding yourself that you're doing this for yourself, for a better life and a healthier you. And of course if you just ever need to talk to someone who has been there and done that please don't hesitate to drop me a line!! My e mail address is [email protected]
You'll be fine and you'll do great!! Keep a positive attitude!!!
Jo Ann
What you are describing is perfectly normal. I have been particpating on this board for a couple of years now and I think everyone who has surgery goes through a least a bit of this. I myself am ready to climb the walls. I will fly out to Omaha on July 11 for surgery on July 13.
This is a real good place to come when you start feeling nervous. The people on this board have been through exactly what you and I are going through right now, they understand. The support and encouragment they give us is priceless and unique. No one can offer more insight than someone who has experienced first hand what we are going through. So post often and share those feelings and let those who have gone before share the benefit of their experience.
Think about it this way. You are on the verge of calling off your long standing love affair with Food. If you are like most of us, Food has been a friend and comforter you could always turn to for many years. Unfortunately, this relationship is slowely killing you and you must break it off. Feeling apprehensive about the impending demise of this relationship (no matter how much better off you'll be) is only natural. Everyone deals with the grieving process a little differently. Just remember that your feelings of loss (or impending loss) are normal and try focus on the goal.
My grieving process did not really start until after my proceedure. There were several weeks were I was so depressed about the loss of my "Friend" that I had a hard time getting excited about all of the weight I was loosing.
My personal opinion is that men generally have a little tougher time with this. Because we are not bombarded by the same societal steriotypes as women (i.e. it is "OK" for men to be a little fat and eat large portions), we do not tend to have an adversarial relationship with food. It usually takes something pretty drastic (like health problems) before we admit there is a problem. Which makes breaking up with our "Friend" that much tougher.
Everything will be fine.
Best Wishes,