Question on pregnancy post-op
Its been some time since I last posted here. I am about 22 months post op and my partner and I are trying to have a baby. I'm looking for anyone who can help with pregnancy vitamin suggestions or dietary suggestions. All the books I read have great prenatal diets but about half of what they consist of, I can't eat. For example, I can't eat most fruit, any milk or yougart (for some reason I can eat instant pudding and cheese though). Any help would be very appreciated!
please look up soem of my older post. I am almost 9 months preg and was 21 months post op when I got preg. I would suggest you wait a little while longer. its very hard and has been since day one for me. e-mail me direct if you would like to ask any other questions
[email protected]
Hi Ashley, I had my baby boy in September of '05. I was about 2.5 years post op when I got pregnant. I had a pretty easy time. I ate a lot of cheese (cottage, cheddar) and was able to drink milk after not being able to for 2 years. Your body is going to change a lot and you are going to be able to eat more and eat differently than you have been able to so far. Make sure you have a good relationship with your Dr and make sure your surgeon is aware of your pregnancy. You also might try starting prenatal vitamins now to assure you have enough folic acid.
If you have other questions, you can email me anytime! Good luck!
Heather B
P.S. There is a great post-op pregnancy board on here as well under the forums. the address is: