Researching Dr's complaint history?
Hi Vickie,
I am not sure if this is the website you are looking for, but this is the area where I go check on any physicians I am scheduled to see. Hope this helps.
Well now...that's just darn interesting...and you know I've got a lot of doctors to look up! All clear for the most part. Nothing alarming on my current docs. Think it would freak my PCP out to know I looked her up and know she went to Duke for her residency? I know I let it slip I had looked thing up about my PFO clousure and saw my cardiologist name online and he was like "what did you find?" I said just that you worked at UM and had written a lot about the heart and presented at conferences...I wasn't looking for information on you...I was looking for more details on the procedure...what happens aftewards, etc.