The waiting is driving me crazy......
All my paperwork was faxed over to the insurance company last Wednesday and I am waiting for an approval (I hope/pray) or "the other". I have called everyday this week asking for an update on my status and I get told I am still "pending". I have been doing this journey/jumping through hoops since December- six month Dr. supervised diet, psych test, counseling, etc. OH, I want this surgery so bad, I want a new life. I feel so close to getting it but.... AAAHHHHHHHH! Thanks for letting me vent.
Hey Girl!!!
I'm in the same boat as you. All my paperwork was faxed to Aetna last Thursday. Patrice @ Dr OC told me not to call the ins. co becasue it goes thru so many hand, things could get mixed up... So I am trying no to think about it.....but it's hard when I think about it at least every 5 minutes.. LOL I feel so close also, I just keep praying that I get that APPROVAL, that I NEED SO BAD.... I too need/want a new life....... On another note the phone # they have to call me on is Voyange & it cuts off within the 1st couple minutes of your phone call. Voyange is suppossed to be sending me a new router, but I had a nightmare last night that they called to tell me Approved or Denied & my phone cut off right before they told me.. I have 3 kids 2 Dogs a cat & a Pain in the neck you think could have hundreds of other things on my mind other than this....
I don't know about you but this past 6 months of DR appts has made me a forgetfull scatter brain.