Question and Support
I have not been approved yet but I am hoping to hear either way in the very near future. For those of you that had this surgery, did you get scared? I have only had one other surgery due to an accident and since I didn't have any choice I did not get scared. I am a little nervous about being "put to sleep". Did any of you have doubts and nervousness about this part of it? I am ready and happy to have it done other than this little nagging thoughts that I think at night before I go to bed......
It's natural to be nervous about this and any surgery, because truthfully you don't know what will happen. My surgeon does say - are you ready to die? I know that is harsh but that is the REALITY of it so you have to WANT this really bad to put yourself at risk. The other thing I relied on what that I was in GOD's hands and whatever happened I had to accept and so did my family. Thankfully I'm still here 19 months and hving lost 130 lbs (with 20lbs to go). I must admit that I DIDNOT have any doubts or reservations but everyone is different and have different experiences that make them feel that way. My prayers are with you as you begin this journey.
Dont worry! My mother is also very concerned about this. We also havent yet been approved but she thinks of every possible thing to be concerned about and I want to think about all the great things that will happen once its done and over with. Thats what I keep telling her! Just keep thinking of all goods that will come of your decision.