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Yes it's embarrassing I'll give you that, also it must be possible this isn't from your gastric bypass but some other kind of problem. Like the majority of people are lactose intolerant maybe try cutting milk, also Imodium lasts like six to eight hours which constipates you also I use gas x also.
Hi Denise and thank you. I am working with my doctor for my type 2 diabetes and things are starting to get better. Thank you for your message.
Are you a type 1 or type 2 diabetic...? Either way.. sounds like your insulin dose is not right for might want to get guidance from your personal physician on reducing your dose or splitting your dose up for better control. not of diet, of insulin use...that will lead to better control and less appetite.
. I agree in keto diet as good place to start.If you adjust CARBS down, your insulin NEEDS will be lower. if your insulin is too high =you will be hungry.... You do not want your sugars really high or really low. even just after a meal. with good control your blood sugar should remain within 20 points of your fasting. consider adding cinnamon for insulin sensitivity.
I have been pre-diabetic since 1978. My dr told me to control my sugars or i would be insulin dependent in 5 years.since i hate needles it got my attention. I am still not on insulin.
Answer is :High protein and low carbs..COUNT all carbs...this works for me.
The sleeve alone is just another diet with a smaller stomach. And this is why it doesn't work for many people. The DS adds the other component, malabsorbtion. This is why the DS works for most people. You don't have to starve to lose weight as long as you are eating the right things. Because you won't absorb a lot of the calories you eat.
Make sure you know what you are getting and you are OK with it. SADI/Loop/Traditional DS. What is your CC? If the surgeon is not doing what you want, find a different surgeon. Learn about all this stuff. Research, research, research.
Hi I'm new here. I tried to use the search but didn't find my question .... Which is I have had the sleeve and planning on possibly doing a DS my surgeon doesn't make the sleeve smaller which I do still have restriction I feel i just eat smaller portions but them and hungry sooner then when I ate large portions less often anyways my question is with those who did not have their sleeve size made smaller did you feel like you had the same amount of hunger still? Thx!!
I would limit as much fat as possible PLUS use olive oil , avacado and real butter exclusively... reasoning I read research,,some of the oils that have been labeled Healthy ... seed oils,esp. have been found to turn into transfats when heated- esp in microwave.
Jeff, How are you doing now?
I am seeing this 45 days after your post. sounds like you could have a gastritis or obstruction.. my guess i s gastritis. i would go with liquid and cold proteins.. High protein , Very low sugar, l would make from scratch and use eggs/whey if you tolerate, and no artificial sweeteners. At the same time i would add in big doses of pre and pro biotcs to restore gut flora.( after rounds of antibiotics they will be in the basement and those good bacetria are needed for digestion.)..You can boost those enzymes by drinking buttermilk, eating natural yogurt, (look for one with few ingredients.) If you tolerate milk products. Other sources would be.Keifer, Kraut,and other fermented foods.
I have frequent gastritis and i have had intestinal twist 2 x.- which does obstruct. I use ice chips heavily and then follow with Rice only for 36 hours..I use 2-3 tablespoons for a meal and 3/4 cup a day. once to that level of tolerance... i add poached eggs.Prevacid 30 mg 2x a day is my dose for immediate care. it out performs all other medications for me.I purchase across the counter 15 mg capsules and take 2 .
Hi there
I had my DS about 15 years ago. Lost all the weight the first year, put about 20 pounds back, and then suddenly and unexpectedly lost not only the 20 pounds but a bit more. I am at 114 now, weight ranges from 112-119. For a while, although delighted, I was a little worried about the additional weight loss, but it seems to have stabilized now. I still eat protein snacks all day long, multiple little meals, and for the rest I basically eat what I want, knowing which foods are going to give me a bit of trouble. The weight loss may be because I have had quite a few GI issues over the years. I have severe GERD, as well as IBS, and I am prone to gastritis.
That is a change for me. In my younger years, if I got sick it was generally bronchitis. Now it is tummy related.
I would suggest grabbing a small healthy snack any time you are near your kitchen :-)
Hi there
I haven't been on this forum for a long time. I had my surgery with the wonderful Dr Marchesini in Brazil in 2006 or 2007, I am not sure which. I lost 120 pounds initially, was down to 127 pounds. Then I gained about 20 back. Didn't worry about it much, and one day I went to put on a pair of jeans that I knew would be too small but everything else was in the wash. And (without making any effort to lose weight) they fell off me. I had dropped 20 pounds without ever even knowing it. Since then (2.5 years ago) I have lost a bit more, again not trying, but settled in about the 114-119 range. I am tinier than I have ever been. I basically eat whatever I want, although I do have to pay attention to foods that I know will give me trouble. Not too many foods are problematic, and I decide when I am willing to pay the price. These days my tummy is not fond of alcohol, either, which is a shame, because I enjoy having a drink while making dinner but am not doing much of that any more.
I have struggled with anemia, which is a little complex to deal with. You aren't supposed to take iron with either thyroid meds, calcium, or antacids because they interfere with one another. I do have serious IBS and reflux (and I have a hiatal hernia but I don't want any more surgery if I can help it). I am careful about all my supplements but struggle with iron. I take thyroid and stomach meds in the morning, calcium at lunch and supper, and antacids at bedtime, and it is a real juggling act to figure out how to get the iron in. I just ordered some new vitamins that do have iron and do not have calcium, this my solve the problem. I can take the thyroid meds and pantaprozole, wait an hour and eat breakfast, and take the rest of the morning meds and supplements after that. I will give it a try, anyway. I tend to stay low on protein, vitamin D, and iron.
I am about to turn 67 years old at the end of this month. I walk 2-3 miles 5 days a week in the cooler parts of the year, do water aerobics with my neighbors in the hot season, and do yoga sessions in between. I love to cook, and tend to like to cook healthy stuff, so my diet is, although obviously protein heavy, pretty good. The weight loss journey was a wild one, and even though I am very small, I still don't picture myself that way in my mind. Maybe I never will. But I am SO grateful for Dr Marchesini and for this surgery. I would have been 400+ pounds, wheelchair bound, and at high risk for stroke or heart attack without the DS.
So truthfully, I have no idea how I got back to my desired weight. It kind of just happened. I wondered if my DS had sort of "kicked back in" again, but I really don't know.
I'd LOVE to hear from other people who are a way out from surgery about their experiences. And I have suggestions/tips/ideas for newer folks too. :-)
Blessings to you all