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Well after almost ten years post surgery I've had my first complication I had to have emergency surgery for an internal hernia. Has anyone on here experienced this I'm not going to lie the recovery has been pretty tough and I have a pretty big incision as he had to do an open surgery to repair the area the surgeon believes it was completely related to the duodenal switch
Any experiences would be helpful thank you I am concerned about having this now become a trend
It happened to me too - but the doctors discovered a non- cancerous growth in my uterus that they cleared out and ever since my iron has been within normal ranges.
When I had RNY in 2007, my iron was so high I did not take any tablets. Now I take Proferrin and get insfusions when it gets too low. I just accept that this is part of weight loss surgery and glad I have insurance and a doctor who makes sure I get an infusion when I need one.
Real life begins where your comfort zone ends
Hi. I had a BPD/DS in 2007. I'm now suffering from iron deficiency that gets better with infusions, but then falls again. I know this used to be quite a common problem with DS patients, but the forum I used to go to, no longer seems to exist. Does anyone have any experience, or advice on this issue?
I got the DS back in 2007 and I am regretting it everyday. Right before my DS surgery I wanted to change and get the Sleeve done but my doctor only did his first Sleeve at the time about 2 weeks before mine and he said I would benefit better with the DS. So I got the DS done. Well right when they was getting me ready fir surgery the doctor was walking around me looking confused. I think he notice I was already nervous but the way he was passing back and forth was making me more nervous. Again I think he noticed and said to me don't worry I am just trying to decide how much of your intestines I am going to bypass. Well I was laying there thinking to myself that should of already been decided and I was really nervous to where the nurse who was getting me ready noticed my heart rating going up so they gave me something to Calm me down. Well fast forward I was no longer diabetic, I was taking off my high blood pressure medicine. But I was having problems with being Anaemic which my doctor told me not to worry about. I lost 143 pounds with in a year and other peoplethat had the surgery right before me and within a week after me didn't lose that much that quick. So every year I get my check up and all my vitamin levels are good but I was still Anaemic and my iron was good?. Well now my heart rate is low sometimes really low 38 to 40. Went to 2 heart specialist and they don't know why my heart rate is so low. Anyway I have been having bad bathroom issues sometimes ever since my surgery and the worst issue happens at night while I'm sleeping. I have a posting I put up on the DS form about it. No matter what I eat. I have a posting I put up on the DS form about it. I think my doctor bypassed to much of my Intestines because why would he be thinking on how much to bypass while they was getting me ready for surgery that should of already been thought out. Anyway I know I can't get the surgery reversed but I am hoping to find a doctor to somehow see if my doctor did bypass to much and I'm hoping they can go back in to maybe lengthen my intestines that he made shorter. Anyway like someone said look into it before you jump into the DS and please make sure you doctor already made a decision about how much to bypass way before your surgery. The chewable Vitamins are real expensive too. I would of rather lost the weight more slower than what I did and I think that I wouldn't have the problems i am having now. My Bariatric doctor retired but he was no help because everytime my other doctors told me to ask him a question he got real defensive and said that my problem wasn't from what he did in the surgery. Do yourself a favor Research Research Research!!! Good luck in what ever you decide to do. By the way I still get hungry about every 2 hours still but only eat smaller portions.
Starting weight 333 lb Gold weight 180 lb
Yes the surgeons could lengthen my common channel, but my BPL is also very long. The common channel length could help but since my deficiency is rather severe, instead of seeing if the CC lengthening would help then have to go back and have another surgery. The intestinal bypass is fully reversible and this is where the severe malabsorption issue is. This has nothing to do with the VSG, and that is not reversible as it was surgically removed. Thank you.
If you have a specific question for me, PM me or I will not see it, as I don't check responses on the forums and don't have anything forwarded to my email.
This is just a question, but can't the surgeon lengthen your common channel. With the Sadi DS, mine is about 300cm, and some are 400cm. I would think it's not your reduced stomach size but the 50cm cc length that is causing the issue.
Good luck with the surgery.
thank you
If you have a specific question for me, PM me or I will not see it, as I don't check responses on the forums and don't have anything forwarded to my email.
I agree with this. I am having problems also getting back on track. Your reply is the best so far and more do able for the long term.