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on 7/10/22 8:22 pm
Topic: RE: 200CM Common Channel

This forum is almost exclusively people with the Hess DS, and although well intentioned, you'll hear a lot of hating on the Sadi DS by people who don't have any experience with it.

It's been around for about 15 years and I had it done 8 years ago. I had the exact same concerns about malabsorption, malnutrition and side effects. I also was concerned about keeping the weight off long term. The Sadi DS has been a gift from god for me, and my common channel is about 300cm. The longer cc does not mean less weight loss or malabsorption. That is a huge misperception. Sometime less is more, and sometimes more is less. I was a lightweight at about 300lbs pounds as a 6'1 male now in my early 60's. My weight hovers around 160lbs but fluctuates by about 5 pounds up and down. I eat about 3k calories a day with about 300 to 400 grams of carbs and 120 grams of protein. As long as I eat mostly healthy (still plenty of snacks) then things are good. My price for poor eating choices is gas or bloating.

You should use these forums for some insight and perspective but definitely do your own research and find a real wls expert who knows the sadi, hess, vsg etc, and then discuss what's really best for your situation.

Good luck!

on 7/9/22 4:08 pm
Topic: RE: 200CM Common Channel

Thank you... glad it's been a success for you.

on 7/9/22 4:07 pm
Topic: RE: 200CM Common Channel

I took your advice and joined that fb group. It's amazing with all of the collective info. There is a lot of info to support both schools of thought....I still have a lot to contemplate.

on 7/9/22 12:08 pm
Topic: RE: 200CM Common Channel

Had my DS about 20 years ago and my CC is 75. I wish I would have gotten 50. That's what I wanted in the first place. I have never had any deficiencies and I still have to diet to keep the weight off. I have to work hard at it. I had very little free/easy weight loss immediately after the surgery too.

I hope this works out well for all of you.

on 7/9/22 12:02 pm
Topic: RE: Best DS surgeon in Grand Rapids, MI

I wish him the best and I hope he makes an appropriate choice. But you can't make anyone do anything. Maybe he is smart enough to make the right choice and maybe not, but seeing that all of you have had WLS, he certainly has resources available.

My thought, I wonder if he would take the supplements if he had the DS. Or would he be stubborn enough to refuse? If He won't take the pills, it is not the surgery for him.

As your family already knows the VSG is just another diet with a smaller stomach. I agree with you that your son needs malabsorbtion to be able to keep the weight off.

on 7/9/22 11:08 am
on 7/8/22 6:01 pm
Topic: RE: 200CM Common Channel

While I don't have a longer common channel (mine is 85 cm), I would advise you to join Facebook DS support groups if you haven't already to get more anecdotal testimonies before proceeding. Can you succeed with a longer CC? Yes. Will it be better than a sleeve? Yes. However, based on what I've seen, I'd say the discrepancy between long term regain and maintenance with a longer CC (200 or longer) versus shorter CC (100 or less) is a bit more serious than what you seem to believe. From what ive seen, there are many more people struggling to lose all their excess weight and prevent regain than their are people struggling with malnutrition.

As far as protein is concerned, your bougie size will play a role in this as well.

If anything, standard DS (100 cm CC) has some regain due to that measurement not being short *enough*. Dr Keshishian, one of the leading DS surgeons in the world, wrote an article on the Hess method and how it's still the best option when customizing CC lengths. The majority of his patients (around 75% I believe) are given a 75 cm CC. Some even shorter!

Diligence would be required while monitoring your blood work regardless of CC length, and you'd likely have to fine-tune your vitamin regimen to your individual needs.

Granted, a 37 bmi is on the shorter end for obesity and DS surgery. At the end its your body, and you have to do what's best for you, but I figured I'd offer a perspective that swings more toward the other side of the spectrum.

Best of luck my friend.

on 7/8/22 5:48 pm
Topic: RE: Common Channel length for the DS?

Sounds like that is working well for you... we're all different, and our doctors know what's best for each of us. You're making great progress.. best of luck ð?'

on 7/8/22 5:37 pm
Topic: RE: Best DS surgeon in Grand Rapids, MI

Definitely DS. At that weight it's extremely unlikely he'll be able to sustain the weight loss with any other surgery. I also recommend that he gets a shorter CC, which will make weight loss and maintenance even easier. Where are you located? A couple of good surgeons I reccomend are Dr Keshishian in California or Dr Elariny in Virginia.

As far as drinking is concerned, yes, I reccomend that the issue is addressed before proceeding with the operation. The rapid weight loss is hard on people's livers, and the last thing someone needs is alcohol to stress out the liver even further.

How bad is the drinking issue?

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