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I found this attached link on the bottom for a multivitamin without B6. It says it's for athletes, hope it's for everyone. My B6 is high too!! Btw, I don't think yours became high from the meats you ate (I think you mentioned that as a possibility). Because it's usually highered by supplements only...
Oh my!!! I am high in B6 and I REALLY hope I don't have permanent damage!!! I even have swelling in the head. Not just problems with walking. And some swallowing issues...Lots of Neurologic and autonomic problems!! :( Doctors don't know much about this toxicity as usually people are low in B6, not high!!!
congratulations on your surgery....take it slow, keep sipping walking, drink protein shakes...etc
wishing you a speedy recovery so you can enjoy your kids!
If you have a specific question for me, PM me or I will not see it, as I don't check responses on the forums and don't have anything forwarded to my email.
it happens to about 30% of bypass patients (it can also happen to sleeve patients, but it's much less common for them). It happens when you eat too much sugar in one sitting. Because our pyloric valve is bypassed, it goes directly into our small intestine and our intestines go into overdrive trying to deal with it. Common symptoms are heart palpitations, sweating or chills, abdominal cramps, dizziness, and diarrhea. Sometimes nausea, too. I'm not a dumper, but I know it can go on for quite awhile. It can be prevented by avoiding or limiting the amount of sugar you eat at one sitting. Since you said you eat a lot of sugar, you're probably not a dumper (unfortunately, I can eat a lot of sugar, too...)
Im so happy Youre doing so well and have officially joined the Losers Bench now!!!
Big hugs and a virtual giant bouquet of beautiful congratulations roses for You !!