Happy Saturday! What R Ur Weekend Plans ?

on 9/21/24 1:57 am

I hope to finish unpacking the giant ( and infernally heavy) desk , tidy and dishwash, replace an outdoor GFI plug whose failure's preventing me from using the fountain and outdoor tv and lay some grass - a big but very rewarding job

Oh and watering and repotting seemingly a million plants of course lol!

Laying the grass will let me make my big boxes permanent ( it's all a container garden of course being on the ninth floor lol) - the bigger the better for less watering - but they get heavy , even immovable.

Cant wait to really complete my outdoor living room and little office !

Excercise and food - Last nite I ALMOST hiked home - just got tired in the end and jumped on a city bus for ten blocks or so . Also ate two small cannoli fillings , telling myself " you can't eat your way through New York while walking and expect to lose weight "

Actually that's not really true - at least for small bites . One the things I've always loved about the City is the built in exercise from walking. Most New Yorkers are mad foodies and skinny/ healthy.

B - coffee and chai tea lattes ,bites of pastry , olive bread . Maybe egg white ff cheddar cheese scramble .

L - something fishy w egg roll filling

D- tbd
