April was 20 years since DS

on 7/6/24 5:38 pm - St. Augustine, FL

Still the best decision I have ever made for

myself! I was right at 500 lbs and growing monthly when I started this journey. Today I am almost 70 years old and I am convince I would not be here if it were not for the DS. Today I float during the year from 280-295. Not sure why I have the gains and the losses but I do. If I were to give anyone considering this surgery some advice I would stress for them to do their research and to realize the surgery is a very small part of the journey. You must be prepared to be diligent in taking your vitamins and supplements daily with out fail. I stumbled here a couple of times and I paid for it. My protein level dropped and my calcium dropped to a point I was losing bone density. I have corrected this but it took time. My iron level dropped and I had to have 3-4 iron infusions to get corrected. And my potassium dropped so low I was actually admitted for potassium IV and other work ups at same time. All this was my fault for getting off track on my regiment. Also start and maintain an exercise program of walking and stretching. And make sure you have a PCP that understands the DS and is willing to monitor your blood levels monthly.

The benefits of this surgery are way too numerous to list them all. Prior to surgery I remember sweating with any exertion and I could never cool off. Today I stay cold and I don't think I have sweat glands. I dreaded booths in restaurants, hated the stares I got when I was out in public, and forget trying to find clothes that fit.

Today I stay active with my wife and grandchildren, I look forward to going to the office, I love planning vacations for the family, and just being alive! If I had to crawl to the hospital to have the DS annually I would have done so.

If you are planning to have this surgery or already have, find a great support group and surround yourself with those who will support you and who you can support. Make sure you are ready to a lifetime of vitamins and supplements and find a great PCP. And most importantly be ready to live life to its fullest abundance

I pray that 20 years from now, you will be just as happy as I am with the decision I made for me!!

May God Bless Each Of You Along This Journey!!



on 7/29/24 9:57 am

Awesome update!, and congrats on your 20 year successful journey!

on 7/31/24 7:07 pm

congrats to you!!!

If you have a specific question for me, PM me or I will not see it, as I don't check responses on the forums and don't have anything forwarded to my email.

on 8/26/24 5:21 pm


Over 22 years here for me to! From 400 to 160 still. BUT you are so right that we have to stay on top of all of our Vitamins and Dr visits and other stuff forever, it's the deal we make when we do DS !! Woo hoo

on 9/19/24 2:15 am, edited 9/18/24 7:16 pm

My surgery 16 years ago ( boy does time fly when Ure having fun lol! ) was a proximal RNY , much less serious than a DS and I was a super healthy eater and lifetime daily exerciser going in ?. Yet I, too developed vitamin deficiencies in the last few years .

The most serious was iron - to the point I couldn?t get out of bed essentially for six months last year and was dizzy just walking to the bathroom.

Turns out I had pernicious anemia and desperately needed an iron infusion.

As soon as I got it my head cleared- I became energetic and willing ( and able ) to garden, clean and take care of long neglected business .

I just had another blood draw and doc says I?m still low so I?m trying to address it with daily ferritin.

Im still not perfect with the daily vitamins - this is childish but I sorely miss Flintstones Complete Sour Vitamin gummies ( for kids ) . You can buy the same thing without the sour coating that made them taste like sour gummy bears but without the coating they stick in my teeth and throat . Poor Me lol

Ive resolved to do much better since taking vites makes me LOOK and feel and function dramatically better.

I?ve added chewable acidophilus and other pre biotics and flaxseed or evening primrose oil capsules

. Both help digestion and help curtail excess snacking and DRAMATICALLY improve skin tone and firmness all over !

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15 years post surgery
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