Iron Deficiency
Hi. I had a BPD/DS in 2007. I'm now suffering from iron deficiency that gets better with infusions, but then falls again. I know this used to be quite a common problem with DS patients, but the forum I used to go to, no longer seems to exist. Does anyone have any experience, or advice on this issue?

When I had RNY in 2007, my iron was so high I did not take any tablets. Now I take Proferrin and get insfusions when it gets too low. I just accept that this is part of weight loss surgery and glad I have insurance and a doctor who makes sure I get an infusion when I need one.

Real life begins where your comfort zone ends
My iron has shifted over the years. Pre DS I suffered from generic anemia occasionally. Post op I took oral supplements for a number of years and was fine. Then I wasn't. For 7 years I was on quarterly infusions, thankfully tolerated it well and was fine. Then the iron numbers crept up and I went off the infusions. Been on the Multi Gen breckenridge supplement for 10+ years and am fine, but I watch it. Take your iron and a vitamin c supplement all by it's self. No calcium in particular within 2 hours either side. Wa**** down with lots of water to aid absorption.
I had surgery in '06. For the last couple of years I've been getting iron infusions off and on. This is my fifth week this time around but my level is still going down. About a month ago I had a bone biopsy. My doctor says he can't figure out why my level isn't improving. Starting Monday I'm starting on shots instead. Anyone else having this problem?