Weight gain 1 year post op
Hello, I am Brenda. I had DS 1 year ago. I was able to stop all diabetes medication and was losing weight, I was pretty happy with the results. BUT...I got malnourished. I was put on TPN in April 2021. I continued with TPN until June when my surgeon had to go back in and make a small change so that I could absorb the way I should Well that is when the problems started. I was put back on insulin. I was so upset about that. The whole reason I had this surgery is to have a better quality of life and to stop all these medications.
After starting insulin again that is when I started gaining weight. I was 199 and now today I am 214. I am very upset about this and it makes me feel like I got the surgery for nothing. Insulin makes me crave food after I take it. Usually an hour after I have insulin I am looking for sweets or something. So I made a change, instead of taking my insulin at night I am not taking it in the morning to help combat the cravings. It's working a little. I also work from home and I am not moving as much as I should. I know I need to and have no excuse as to why I'm not but I do know that I am being lazy. after Christmas I am definitely getting a gym membership, I have to start moving.
Now we are at the holidays and the temptation is so real.
I am looking for advice, tips, anything at this point. Help!
Hello, I am Brenda. I had DS 1 year ago. I was able to stop all diabetes medication and was losing weight, I was pretty happy with the results. BUT...I got malnourished. I was put on TPN in April 2021. I continued with TPN until June when my surgeon had to go back in and make a small change so that I could absorb the way I should Well that is when the problems started. I was put back on insulin. I was so upset about that. The whole reason I had this surgery is to have a better quality of life and to stop all these medications.
After starting insulin again that is when I started gaining weight. I was 199 and now today I am 214. I am very upset about this and it makes me feel like I got the surgery for nothing. Insulin makes me crave food after I take it. Usually an hour after I have insulin I am looking for sweets or something. So I made a change, instead of taking my insulin at night I am not taking it in the morning to help combat the cravings. It's working a little. I also work from home and I am not moving as much as I should. I know I need to and have no excuse as to why I'm not but I do know that I am being lazy. after Christmas I am definitely getting a gym membership, I have to start moving.
Now we are at the holidays and the temptation is so real.
I am looking for advice, tips, anything at this point. Help!
wondering what you were eating or not eating thAt caused you to be malnourished? Or was it something done wrong in your surgery?
From my understanding it was from the surgery. My pouch may have been too small. I had a bowel resection in June where the doctor extended the bowel a little more so that I can absorb foods better. It's working but I am at a standstill on back on insulin
The first two years after weight loss surgery are usually a walk in the park. We can eat anything and still lose weight. Most of us experience the disappointment and let down of regain during the third year after surgery. I am sorry that the regain stage came so soon for you.
Once the magic of surgery is over, it goes back to calories in vs calories burned. Insulin really makes it harder because it increases appetite, increases cravings, and makes it easier for the body to store excess sugar as fat. I ended up back on insulin seven years after surgery and the rapid weight regain was shocking.
I have learned to adjust to it by counting calories and tracking exercise. I went back to Weigh****chers. I plan my meals and weigh and measure food. I track either points on Weigh****chers or calories, fat, fiber on My Fitness Pal. I weigh myself daily and track on an app. I have a NordicTrack bike and the iFit program. I wear an Apple watch and work on getting my rings closed by the end of the day. For Christmas, I am gifting myself a fancy hydration water bottle that tracks my intake.
I am determined to keep going for as long as possible. There is a country western song that says, I want to go to heaven, I just don't want to go tonight.
You have to accept what happened, give yourself kudos for making the effort to be off of medicines, and look to what you can do now to be as healthy and happy as possible. I did work with a therapist who specializes in weight loss surgery and recommend finding one. My surgeon recommended one to me. The past is gone. Leave it behind and make the future the best that you can have.

Real life begins where your comfort zone ends
Thank you so much! Reading this made me feel so much better and I appreciate your input. I have started watching what I am eating and I am determined to get below 200. I have downloaded MyFitnessPal and have started using it. Thank you again.