What To Try next
i had my BPD/Ds in 2002 well last post i had put on 10 kg now its up to 14 kgs I was 140kgs and am now 89kgs i have tried to get this off im not sure what else to do i tried keto that didnt work not even a bit and i tried optifast the full progam for a month and i didnt loose anything either i am really stuck with what to try next i do the same amount of exercise as i did before . ANY Ideas on what i could do next. Hay Any Suggestion would be most welcome our ds group in austrlias Gold coast is no longer operational as teh Surgeon retired.
1 usually have a piece of fruit and an egg for breakfast and coffee with milk in
1 peppermint sweet and coffee for mornnig tea lunch salad with meat or chicken between about 50 to 90 grams then
afternoon tea the same as moning them dinner i have about 60 grams of meat and a few vegetable like 50 grams
then after dinner i have about three tablespoon of air popped pop corn . this is my usuall day since writing i have add
10 minute dance class off the tv and already it has helped me to begin loosing again :) maybe i can get back down to my gal 75kgs i guess alot of things change in your body after 18 years
on 5/27/20 6:47 pm
You're definitely not overeating, so congrats on keeping more than 100lbs off. I eat more than your daily amount for breakfast everyday so I have a different perspective for you regarding weight maintenance. The carbs are an important part of your nutrition so instead I would suggest you set a goal of 10k steps a day and use a tracker to monitor it. Also, I always lost weight by eating more protein, not less food.
1 usually have a piece of fruit and an egg for breakfast and coffee with milk in
1 peppermint sweet and coffee for mornnig tea lunch salad with meat or chicken between about 50 to 90 grams then
afternoon tea the same as moning them dinner i have about 60 grams of meat and a few vegetable like 50 grams
then after dinner i have about three tablespoon of air popped pop corn . this is my usuall day since writing i have add
10 minute dance class off the tv and already it has helped me to begin loosing again :) maybe i can get back down to my gal 75kgs i guess alot of things change in your body after 18 years
fruit is pure sugar. Many of us can't lose unless we drop the carbs to under 20 gms a day.
I would encourage you to increase your protein and eat as few carbs as possible.
I would cut out the sweets with your tea and cut out popcorn completely. My doctor had us cut out all sugar and all carbs that are the bread or starchy type....no popcorn, no potatoes, no bread or cereal or pasta! I use stevia in my coffee, and read all labels, all products must be under 5 grams of sugars. Try that and I bet you will see a difference! Plus popcorn has a lot of salt which can make you retain water! Also make sure you are drinking lots of water, no sodas at all!! Even diet sodas are off limits!
thankyou i will try the 10k steps but that seems a chore to me
thats why i thought of doing the dance class 10 minutes i might try doing it twice a day i also decided to eat only when im starving . Isn't it funny you get so hungry you could eat a horse and then halfway through a small plate your full as a bull.
on 5/31/20 9:49 pm
I agree the 10k steps a day is hard and I usually don't get there but the journey is worth it. If you do simple things like park a little farther away at the store, a walk around the block, just basic stuff works towards the goal. Many people make the mistake of thinking they have to start jogging or training like a hard core athlete. It's really just try to get in steps where you can, and monitor it.