Yep, they are bundling you in with RNY patients. 30 min rule doesn't apply (although I do suggest waiting to drink after eating or very small sips, for it can take up room in your stomach). Straws are okay and many got the DS so they could take NSAIDS, too.
We eat full-fat foods (no artificially low fat or no fat, thankyouverymuch) because we malabsorb 80% of the fats we consume, so EVERYTHING s low fat. They probably told you to do low fat, and I'll warn you that it will constipate you if you don't get enough (a) fat and (b) hydration.
DS 2005
There is room on this earth for all of God's creatures..
next to the mashed potatoes
So basically everything is wrong LOL. Amazing how clueless doctors and nutritionists are. I use a straw often, drink carbonation all the time and caffeine. Low fat and you'll get constipated most likely.
As a new post op you can follow it a bit closer because you need to baby your sleeve and too much fat early out can give you diarrhea but after a few months disregard most of what they tell you. I actually told my surgeon I wouldn't be coming back for yearly check ups because their supplementation information was so bad it was laughable. He couldn't argue with my labs

I can give him snaps for protein first....the rest is dead wrong.
Caffeine slows healing, so avoid it the first month. Bubbles are uncomfortable for a while but a dedicated diet coke addict is determined to build up my...err..her tolerance.
Straws make protein drinks tolerable or at least go down faster..
Don't go sucki,g,on a stick of butter right away, but do eat full fat and whole foods the way nature and grandma intended. The less processed and pre prepared crap the better.
Stick with slow cooker tender meat at first. I'm talking crock pot comfort food. Its easier on your stomach. Overcook veggies too for awhile.
I'm so glad you asked questions. Your surgeons recommendations are bad news.
DS 2005
There is room on this earth for all of God's creatures..
next to the mashed potatoes
Faith, you need to find what works for you. I avoided carbonated drinks for a good year, but I drink them regularly now. I also avoided caffeine for about 6 months but love coffee now (yet I never count my coffee toward my water intake but that's just me). The 30/30 rule doesn't apply but I think it's not a bad habit at the beginning. Many of the rules I was given 15+ years ago (some similar to RNY) have changed over the years but they didn't kill me :)
Your main focus needs to be getting a minimum of 64 ounces of water per day and at this point 30-60 grams of protein per day, then see what room you have left. The general protein rule is 30 grams of protein by 30 days post-op, 60 grams by 60 days post-op, 90 grams by 90 days, and so on. My aim was 120 grams and then even more once I started working out. I don't count anything anymore but I bet I eat at least 150 grams of protein per day.
Check out Vitalady's DS vitamin regime. You should be working toward the full complement of vitamins you'll need for the rest of your life (and of course adjusted as you get labs done and see where/if you have deficiencies). You can probably shop around to find what you need but the key is to take dry vitamins. ADEKs are all oil-based but since we malabsorb oil with the DS, you need dry.They're definitely easier to find now than they were 15 years ago.
Keep asking questions.
Janet in Leesburg
DS 2/25/03
Hazem Elariny
Since it is early days whatever you an get in. For ADK I do separate biotech from amazon not a combo. Cheaper in the long run and easier to adjust. Same with the other stuff. I do a centrum like multi, mag citrate, Calcium citrate, Sub lingual B12. I did mag oxide the first year to help prevent constipation.
I saw you were taking a ADEK multi per your Doc's orders. There are some people that do OK with that. Just keep a close eye on your labs, keep track of the numbers yourself to see trends. Most of us think going separate is a better way to go but especially early on you pick a starting place and adjust from there. I couldn't tell if you try and take them all at once. If so spread them out and see if that helps.
While i agree with the people saying the advice is not sound for the long term there is some value in the short term. It took me more than 6 months before I had room for more than a sip of a liquid with my protein. There just wasn't room. The low fat is fine while you are healing because your reaction to fat will be pretty sensitive at the start but you should at least have the conversation with the Doc or Nutritionist how the levels of fat are determined given the fat malabsorption from the DS. You might find the further out you are there is some minimum of fat you need to keep from being constipated and to remain healthy.
Congrats and welcome,
Have any of you tried the Barimelt multivitamin smooth fruit flavor or Bariatric Fusion Soft Chew mixed berry? I have looked into some of the others that y'all suggested however my issue is I have an anaphylactic allergy to shellfish and nuts and these are the only ones that are manufactured in a facility not with these items that I can find. I did contact my allergist and was advised not to even test the waters per se even though they follow rigorous cleaning. Thanks for any help you can provide. I have read different reviews.
Faith are you saying you can't do any vitamin from Biotech? You will ultimately need more than just a multi-vitamin and some of those vitamins will need to be in dry form (water soluble). Sorry I'm not familiar with either of those two multi-vitamins. I've never been a fan of vitamins that are made specifically for bariatric patients. I started on those (Vita-4-Life) through my surgeon and ultimately became very vitamin deficient, which is why I switched to Vitalady's regime instead of the all-in-ones.
You might want to research custom pharmacies, who will make specific formulas to your specific needs.
Janet in Leesburg
DS 2/25/03
Hazem Elariny