***Sunday Bites, Vites and Exercistes***
Protein Coffee - 34g protein - adding coconut oil
B - scrambled eggs with veggies (14g)
S - Crush Orange sugar free packe - 40oz water
L - Big Bite - Hot Dog no bread - (14g protein)
S - Crush Orange sugar free packet - 40oz
D - Shrimp with Cauliflower fried rice and eggs (21g protein)
S - High Protein Coffee - 46g protein adding coconut oil
Morning Batch: done
Lunch batch:done
Evening batch:
Walking - Walking - Walking
Water Target: 80ozs
Target: 800 calories - 600 protein calories
150g protein, less than 20g carbs

That shrimp cauliflower fried rice sounds interesting
Sunday bites:
Decaf protein coffee
Turkey bacon
Cheddar cheese
1/2 Bologna & pickle sandwich
2 apple cider donut holes
Decaf protein iced coffee
Few fries
Protein shake
Fluids: 80
Vites: all in
Noreen HW 352 / SW 324 / CW 175/ LW/ 148 / GW 150 (achieved Aug 14 '11)